1. My Home & Tenancy

    1. My Rent
      1. Pay My Rent
      2. Rent FAQ
      3. Service Charge FAQ
    2. Repairs
      1. When will my repair happen?
      2. Emergency repairs
      3. Repair responsibilities
      4. Looking after your home
      5. Repairs policy
      6. Handytips
      7. Gas Servicing
      8. Gas/Electric Contacts
    3. My Tenancy
      1. Ending my tenancy
      2. Ending a tenancy after bereavement
      3. Home Alterations
      4. Aids and adaptations
      5. Home contents insurance
    4. Keeping Safe & Warm
      1. Safety
      2. Your guide to asbestos in homes
      3. Energy Advice
      4. Switching Suppliers
      5. Dangers of rechargeable batteries
      6. Water Meters and Smart Meters
      7. Looking after your home in winter
    5. Estate Services
      1. Estate Inspection
  2. Support

    1. Anti-social behaviour (ASB)
      1. What is anti-social behaviour?
      2. Report anti-social behaviour
      3. Anti-social behaviour policy
      4. Anti-social behaviour case reviews (complaints)
      5. Anti-social behaviour support
      6. The good neighbour guide
    2. Domestic Abuse
      1. Organisations Offering Support
      2. Report Domestic Abuse
      3. How We Have Helped Customers
    3. Safeguarding
    4. Money Matters
      1. A Guide to Benefits
    5. Debt Advice
      1. High energy bills
      2. Credit Union
      3. Financial Difficulties?
      4. How to Open a Bank Account
      5. Money Saving Tips
    6. Job Clubs
  3. My Community

    1. Customer Voice
      1. Customer Commitment
      2. How you can get involved
      3. Meet the Customer Experience Committee
        1. Tirivashe Mutindimuri
        2. Zia Ur-Rahman
        3. Nasar Haq
        4. Karen Rispin
        5. Lara Oyedele
      4. Customer annual report
      5. Complaints and Feedback
    2. Sustainability
    3. Community Engagement
    4. Customer Magazine
    5. Community Hubs
      1. Allerton Community Hub
      2. Kirklees Community Hub
  4. Find a Home

    1. The Orchards Redirect
    2. Rent a Home from Us
    3. Available Properties
    4. Land for Sale or Rent
    5. Retirement Living
    6. Mutual exchange
    7. Eleanor Moorhouse Trust Homes
    8. Right to Buy / Acquire
    9. Rent to Buy for sale
      1. What is Rent to Buy?
    10. Shared Ownership for sale
      1. What is Shared Ownership?
  5. About Us

    1. Our Vision and Values
    2. Our Strategy
    3. Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI)
      1. Gender and Ethnicity Pay Gap Report
    4. Our Leadership
      1. Our Board and Committees
    5. Our Performance
    6. Working for Us
      1. Apprenticeships
        1. Apply for an apprenticeship
        2. Case study - Jai Kay
        3. Case study - Harry Singleton
        4. Case Study - Shauna Bramham
        5. Case study - Emma Thompson
        6. About our apprenticeships
      2. What We Offer
      3. Current Vacancies
    7. News
  6. Contact Us

  7. Customer Portal