Fly Tipping

What is fly tipping? 

Fly tipping is when rubbish is dumped on land where it shouldn’t be. It can be anything from one bag of rubbish, right up to a van full, and everything in between. 

Fly tipping causes lots of problems for people who live near areas that are regularly fly tipped, as once some rubbish has been dumped, often it will lead to more and more rubbish appearing. 

Dumping rubbish can cause problems with rats and mice, and generally doesn’t make the area very nice for the people who live there. 

Report Fly tipping anonymously Fast facts Alternatives to fly tipping

What can be done about it? 

We need you to tell us about areas where fly tipping is happening. 

Fill in the form below, giving us as much information as possible. You don’t even need to provide your name, it can be totally anonymous if you wish. 

We will take action against people who regularly fly tip on Incommunities land, as it costs us £xxx every time we remove a van load of rubbish. This is money that could otherwise be invested into the homes that we provide.  

We won’t remove rubbish from land that belongs to the local Councils but we will let them know about it. You can also report fly tipping directly to Bradford Council.

You can report fly tipping to Kirklees Council .

Alternatives to fly tipping 

Wheelie bin 

Most household rubbish can be put in your wheelie bin. If you don’t have a wheelie bin please let your neighbourhood housing officer know, or give us a call on 0330 175 9540. 

Bulk waste collection 

Most local councils will remove large items of rubbish which won’t fit in your wheelie bin. They will normally charge for this service, and you will need to leave the items outside your home. 

Information about Bradford Council’s bulk waste service can be found on their website

Details about Kirklees’ bulk waste service can be found on their website

Council tips  

You can take your rubbish to the Council tips for free.  

Bradford Council has five household waste recycling centers. They are in: 

Kirklees Council also have five household waste recycling centers. You can find more information about the locations, opening time and how to register on their website

Fast facts about fly tipping 

  • Last year cost us £100,000 to remove fly-tipped rubbish from your communities  
  • On average, we receive 36 reports of fly tipping every month. February 2024 set an all-time record with 215 reports.
  • We have a team of 12 people who spend their days removing rubbish from your communities  
  • On average, neighbourhood housing officers spend 117 hours every month dealing with fly tipping issues 


This is time and money that could otherwise be invested in your homes and communities. Let’s work together to reduce fly tipping where you live – report it today

Report fly tipping  

Fill in this form to let us know about a fly tipping issue. You don’t even have to provide your name if you’d prefer not to.  

Fly Tipping Report form

Note: Questions marked by * are mandatory

Further details: