We have homes available to rent now.
Are you looking for a home in the Bradford Metropolitan District? (including Shipley, Keighley, Addingham and Ilkley)
To find out more about the homes that we have available to let directly, please contact us by calling 0330 175 9540 or email enquiry@incommunities.co.uk
We also have a number of properties to rent available on the Bradford Homes website. You can register on the Bradford Homes website by clicking here: www.bradfordhomes.org.uk. From here you can join the list for all housing association and privately rented properties in the area, place bids on properties through the Property Shop, and manage your application online.
If you don’t have access to a computer, you can register using a smartphone or tablet, or use a computer at your local library.
Properties available to rent now are also available on Right Move.
Are you looking for a home in Craven, Harrogate, Kirklees, Leeds, Rotherham, Sheffield, or Wakefield?
We have nomination agreements with councils in Harrogate, Kirklees, Leeds, Rotherham, Sheffield and Wakefield. As a result, we accept nominations from those councils for between 50 to 75% of our vacant properties in their district.
Each local authority operates different approaches to allocating properties, including those owned and managed by Incommunities. For details of how to apply for housing in these areas, please go to the appropriate website:
You will need to register with the council for the area in which you are seeking housing. If you are looking for housing in more than one local authority area, you must register with each council separately - you can register in more than one area.
The instructions for how to register and apply for housing are detailed on each council’s website – you will need to provide your national insurance number, details about yourself and other people who will be living with you.
When you rent a property with Incommunities you’ll benefit from: