If you wish to apply to buy land from Incommunities, you must complete a land application form via the below options:
Submit an electronic online application form by completing the form below, which will be sent directly to our Land Enquiries team.
Land application administration fee of £200 payable to Incommunities Ltd via BACS (non-refundable)
Sort Code: 20-12-12
Account number: 80498890
Quoting reference: Land
The electronic form is available at the bottom of the page.
You can also download an application form, which can be completed and emailed to us at land.enquiries@incommunities.co.uk
Or request an application form to be sent directly in the post and by returning to:
Incommunities Ltd,
Home Ownership and Commercial Team,
The Quays,
Victoria Street,
BD17 7BN
Please ensure you identify the location of the land that you wish to purchase and specify the use the land is intended for. We recommend you supply a plan or sketch drawing of the land required.
Upon receipt of your completed application form, together with the required (non-refundable) administration fee of £200, your application will be considered.
Following internal enquiries if the land is considered suitable for a sale, a second fee will be required. This is £240 (inclusive of VAT) which is the valuation fee. Please note this fee may vary.
If terms of the sale are agreed and approvals are obtained we will refer this to our legal team to progress matters further. There are legal costs associated with land transactions which are £500 plus VAT for land sales. Please note you will have to instruct your own independent solicitor to act on your behalf.
Please note: we no longer offer land for rent.