To make your house a home, you might want to make changes or do some DIY - but it's important you don't start any work without talking to us first and getting written permission.
We're happy for you to make minor changes (like decorating, changing carpets or putting up shelves) without our permission. For anything else, you'll need to let us know what you want to do and ask us for permission before you begin.
You can make some alterations to your home, provided certain conditions are met. If you wish to make improvements, you will need to tell us in detail what you wish to do and supply us with any relevant documentation, such as your contractor’s quotation, detailing exactly the work they propose to do.
We want you to enjoy living in one of our homes - so we won't say no to home alterations unless we have a good reason.
If you don't get our written permission we may ask you to return the property to its original state. You'll have to pay for this work. If you do not do this, we may ask a court to give us an injunction to enter your home to remove the alterations and you will be charged for all costs we incur.
For further information on what alterations we may and may not consider, download our Home Alterations - Permissions Customer Fact Sheet.pdf
Please contact us on telephone 0330 175 9540 or email enquiry@incommunities.co.uk first to discuss your plans. We'll ask for full details of what you'd like to do then either give you permission subject to certain conditions, or let you know why you can't make the changes.