Mutual Exchange

If you want to move house, a mutual exchange could be a fast and easy way to find a new home

If you are an Incommunities tenant with an assured tenancy agreement (ask your Neighbourhood Housing Officer if you are unsure) you can apply to do a mutual exchange, which is a swap with another social housing tenant.

To find someone to swap with you can join Homeswapper, a website that allows you to get in touch with other social housing tenants looking to swap  properties.

You can search for swaps locally or nationally.

For more information, visit the Homeswapper website




Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is mutual exchange?

A mutual exchange is when two or more tenants agree to swap homes with each other on a permanent basis. For example, if your home is too large or too small for you, a mutual exchange can be a good way to find a home that is the right size for you.

Am I eligible?

There are certain criteria that you need to meet to be eligible for a mutual exchange. To be eligible you must.

  • Have the correct type of tenancy (secure housing association tenancy, fully assured housing association tenancy, secure council tenancy)
  • Have no rent or service charge debt.
  • Move to a property of the correct size for your current needs (we would not normally support a move where someone ends up with more/less bedrooms than they need)
  • Not be looking to move into a property with aids and adaptations, for example wet rooms, without being assessed and given a medical recommendation.
  • Not be subject to a Possession Order or Suspended Possession Order
  • Not be subject to a Notice of Seeking Possession for a breach of tenancy.
  • Meet any local lettings criteria for incoming tenants.
  • Have not made any unauthorised alterations to your property.

How do I swap my home?

  • You can find someone to swap with by registering on the Home Swapper website or other exchange websites. The Homeswapper website is free to register
  • Please be aware that exchanging partners can change their mind and cancel an exchange at any point in the process.
  • If you move to another landlord, your rights may change, so check this first. This could be because the type of tenancy you are granted maybe different to the type of tenancy you hold, or succession rights have been exceeded.
  • You will need to visit the other home to make sure you are happy with it.
  • Once you have found someone to exchange with you should complete an application form. You can request an application from by calling 0330 175 9540 or using our contact page on our website
  • All exchanging tenants must not owe any rent or service charge debt to the landlord, at the time of exchange.
  • It is illegal for you or the other tenant to charge a fee as part of the tenancy exchange. 
  • You must not arrange to move until consent has been given in writing, the moving/exchange date will be confirmed by the Neighbourhood Officer.

What will we do?

  • We will complete eligibility checks and a property inspection.
  • If repairs are needed at your home and they are your responsibility, we will arrange a second inspection to check the repairs are completed.
  • We will book in your gas and electrical testing. You must not exchange properties until this testing is completed.
  • If the exchange involves another landlord, we will request and supply tenancy references.  It is important to note any unsatisfactory reference could prevent an exchange
  • Once we have received all application forms, supporting evidence, satisfactory references and completed satisfactory home visit(s). You will receive confirmation in writing if consent to exchange has been granted within 42 days of receipt of application.
  • If we refuse your request, we will let you know why and you will be able to ask for a review of the decision.