Coronavirus Scam Alert - newsletter 4 | News

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Coronavirus Scam Alert - newsletter 4

wyts scam aware newsletter 4

West Yorkshire Trading Standards has seen an increase in the number of COVID-19 related scams.

What Scams are trending at the moment in West Yorkshire?


  1. Morrisons voucher Scam trending on Social media Platforms. Free vouMorrisons voucher Scam trending on Social media Platforms. Free voucher adverts are posted on Facebook with a link to a fake Morrisons website. Users are invited to follow a link and enter personal account details.
  2. Reports of scam letters and calls being made to vulnerable elderly residents asking them to urgently pay large sums of money in order to avoid court action for their council tax bills.

  3. Local Pest control companies leafletting communities offering to disinfect people's driveways and making false claims that they will 'kill off covid-19'.

  4. Individuals claiming to work for local government & voluntary organisations. Reports of phishing emails sent out purporting to be from Bradford councils 'covid response team'.

Top Tips

Don't click on links or attachments in suspicious emails and never respond to messages that ask for personal or financial details.

Look for websites with https: in the web address, the letter S usually indictates if the website is secure.



Doorstep criminals taking advantage of the pandemic

Bogus callers attending an address in West Yorkshire offering an injection for sale, which purports to be a vaccine for COVID19. There is NO vaccine yet for COVID19, nor are testing kits available to buy on the general market. If you have anyone approaching you, either at home, on the phone or anywhere else, trying to sell you a vaccine, a cure, or a testing kit, please know this is a SCAM! *Please only seek medical advice from your doctor.

Top Tips

YOUR DOORSTEP YOUR DECISION If you feel pressured, ask the person to leave.

NO SNAP DECISIONS Take time to talk to someone you trust before you make any decisions.

DO THE CHECKS You can check ID badges and contact associations to check membership registrations yourself. Call the telephone number of the organisation, obtain this number yourself, not from the person at the door.


Who to contact

Report complaints to Citizens Advice Consumer Helpline: 0808 223 1133

Report scams to Action Fraud: 0300 123 2040

Email reports of Covid-19 Scams in West Yorkshire:

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