Coronavirus - Service Update - 7th May | News

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Coronavirus - Service Update - 7th May


From Monday 11th May we are restarting limited work on grounds maintenance (such as grass cutting) and on our empty properties.

In response to the Coronavirus outbreak, we have had to change the way we work in order to protect the health and wellbeing of our customers and colleagues – this included cancelling all non-essential repairs works.

We have now reviewed all of our operational services and identified which can be conducted safely, whilst meeting social distancing guidance.

We’ve worked with colleagues and union representatives to develop safe systems of working, reviewed method statements and can ensure the appropriate PPE is available. The safety of our customers and colleagues remains our priority.

You might begin to see our operatives working in nearby properties or outside on external repairs. You can be assured they are following strict social distancing advice. Please do not approach them while they continue to work.

By abiding by the social distancing guidelines during the works, you are helping keep yourself and our colleagues and communities safe. Thank you.

If you have any queries please contact 01274 257777


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