Incommunities backs national campaign to feed families in need | News

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Incommunities backs national campaign to feed families in need

More than homes food bank campaign
Incommunities is making a £5,000 donation to a national food bank campaign to help people who are struggling as a result of the coronavirus pandemic.
The More than Homes campaign has been launched by Accent Housing to rally support from across the housing sector and raise £1 million for the Trussell Trust who run a national network of 1,200 food banks.
Incommunities donation comes ‘hot on the heels’ of their support for families and individuals across the district and localfood banks.
Right from the start of the lockdown, Incommunities staff have been working with Bradford Council colleagues to set up a food distribution hub and bought in thousands of pounds worth of supplies.
Teams have delivered thousands of food parcels to local households in need and made donations to local food banks including Bradford Central Foodbank and the Salvation Army in Keighley. Food parcels have also been delivered refugees and asylum seekers in the district.
The More than Homes campaign– backed by the National Housing Federation (NHF), Chartered Institute of Housing and the Northern Housing Consortium – will provide a huge boost for the UK-wide Trussell Trust charity. Three quarters (75%) of the money raised through the ‘More than Homes' campaign will be distributed directly to local food banks. The remaining 25% will be used by the charity to fund nationwide support to help manage volunteers, refer people to food banks and distribute parcels directly to people’s doors.
Geraldine Howley, Incommunities’ Group Chief Executive said: "We are delighted to support the More than Homes campaign and join national bodies like the Chartered Institute of Housing and NHF and other housing associations in tackling the devastating effects of this pandemic on people’s lives.
"The campaign, led by Accent Housing, demands the collective efforts of the sector to meet the challenges we face and food banks provide an invaluable lifeline to people who are struggling.
"Locally, our staff are playing a huge part in helping those in our communities facing hunger and hardship right now. As well delivering food to people’s homes our teams are working alongside the Council to make reassurance calls to older and vulnerable residents and provide practical help where it’s needed."
Paul Dolan, Chief Executive of Accent Group, said: "I would like to thank Incommunities and their Chief Executive, Geraldine Howley for their generous donation to this campaign.
"The housing sector's social purpose has never been clearer – nor has there been a more appropriate time for us to come together and tackle this as one. Vast numbers of people will be facing hardship as a result of the COVID-19 crisis, and our organisations are right on the frontline."
To find out more about the More than Homes campaign, please visit or
To make a donation, please visit:

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