Research surveys - gathering your feedback | News

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Research surveys - gathering your feedback

We want to work with our customers to improve the services we provide.  We’re working with a company called IFF Research who may contact you to complete a survey to tell us what you think about our services.

The survey will also help us meet the Tenant Satisfaction Measure (TSM) requirements set by the Regulator of Social Housing whose job involves ensuring landlords are giving people good housing.

See our latest performance against the 22 Tenant Satisfaction Measures that all social housing landlords are required to report against.

IFF Research contact a sample of customers each month and they will either:

  • call you from 0330 027 0103 or
  • you may receive a text message with a link to an online form

They may ask you to confirm your contact details, and at the end of the survey they may ask if it is okay for us to contact you about your feedback from the survey.

The feedback collected from the surveys will be used to improve our services and processes. Your answers will be confidential and will be used only by Incommunities to improve the services we deliver.  The overall results will be published on our website on an annual basis. As a thank you for taking part you will be entered into a monthly prize draw to win a £50 voucher.

It is optional to take part in the survey. If you do not want to take part, you can inform IFF Research who will then remove your details from the contact list.


Frequently asked Questions & Answers

What will IFF Research ask me?

They will ask for your opinions on the services that we provide. You can download all questions that will be asked during the survey. 

Why have I not been contacted?

We only contact a sample of our customers (enough to make sure the data is reliable), so you may not be contacted every time. If you have not been contacted but want to tell us what you think, we would love to hear from you please contact the who will forward your number to IFF.

Will my answers be confidential?

They will keep your responses completely confidential and if you prefer completely anonymous, however if there are any questions which you would prefer not to answer please let the caller know.

How long will the conversation take?
The conversations usually take around 10 minutes . However, it is your opportunity to share your opinions so this can be dictated by you.

I do not want to take part in surveys

That is completely fine.  If you are contacted regarding a  survey, if you would prefer not to take part, just let the caller know and IFF will remove you from the contact list.

How do you keep my data secure?

All of your information is held securely in line with current data protection legislation and controlled by Incommunities.

IFF Research only have access to the information they need to carry out the survey. We will advise IFF Research which service we want them to ask about, for example, our current repairs satisfaction survey.

IFF Research act as our agent and our contract with them includes data protection clauses. These clauses prevent them from sharing your details with anyone else and only allow them to use your information for the purposes of contacting you and finding out your views on our services.

They do not own that information and they cannot use it for anything else.

IFF will keep survey data for up to one year to enable annual data reports to be published.

If you originally consented to surveys but decide when contacted by IFF that you do not wish to participate, IFF include a consent question at the end of each survey, which asks whether you consent to share identifying information with us. If you consent to this, your personal information will be securely shared, along with survey answers. However, if you do not give consent then your survey answers will be provided anonymously. 

Any customer who changes their mind and would like their survey to be removed, should contact the IFF research team on who will respond within 3 days to confirm that their survey has been permanently deleted. 

Please see the privacy notice on our website for general information on how we protect your privacy

Thank you for helping us to improve our services.

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