Rent and service charge increase

We recently wrote to our customers to let you know about this year's rent and service charge increases.

This is never going to be great new to share with you, unfortunately it’s a necessary increase to cover rising costs and maintain the homes that we provide.

What is the increase?

Rent has increased by 7.7% from April, which is within the cap set by the Government.

This year we have increased service charges by 6.7%, which is based on the estimated costs we expect in 2024/25 for the services we provide.

We are currently finalising the details of the costs for providing services during2021/22, 2022/23 and 2023/24. We will communicate these details with you in September 2024.

What’s the reason for the increase?

Over the last three years, maintenance costs, including repairs, supplies, and labour, have increased by 41%, while our income has only increased by 12% over the same period.

As we’re a not-for-profit organisation the money collected from rent and service charges is what we use to help us provide safe, well-maintained homes and communities that you’re proud to call home.

Support we can provide

We know that these are difficult times, and many people are struggling to get by each day, week and month.

We want to provide support to any customer who is finding it hard to make ends meet at the minute.

Our Money Matters team can:

Help you access the right benefits Provide tips on how to budget and manage money Help you access discounts on your Council and utility bills Offer debt support Help to access food banks, furniture & clothing Provide immediate help for those in a time of crisis.












We’re here to listen, provide practical help and support to all our customers. Anything that you tell us is kept private and confidential.

Our team are specially trained and really experienced, but most of all they are lovely people who want to help you when you need it most.

You can call us on 0330 175 9540, email or complete the form on the Money Matters page

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