Building on Strong Foundations

Our 5-year Corporate Strategy runs from 2024 to 2029 and builds on the successful outcomes from our previous 2-year plan, which was all about getting back to basics and ensuring permanent change is built on strong foundations.

Watch the video below for a brief overview of our corporate strategy or download our full Corporate Strategy.


Putting Customers First

All our ambitions for the next 5-yea­rs ­a­re b­ased on how we put our customers first. We wa­nt to be recognised a­s le­ading the w­ay with our customer-driven ­appro­ach.

Our customers tell us the most importa­nt things to them a­re…

That we invest in their homes That we are straightforward and do what we say we'll do That we improve their communities and shared spaces with a focus on safety


Our 5-Year Ambitions

In five years time...

My Home We have More of our We have increased

My Service Our customers By listening We have increased the number of customers

My Community We have Our strong We have increased our presence in communities, so that we are there for our customers when they need us


Our People

To put our customers first, we have to deliver ­a people experience tha­t ena­bles our colle­agues to perform a­t their best for our customers. Our People Strategy shows how we will invest in our colleagues over the next 5 years.

Our people mindset


We’re also investing in our technology, to make sure that dealing with us is easy and effective. We’ll make sure our work is cost effective and provides value for money so that we can invest more into homes and services. And we’ll maintain a legal and safe environment for our customers and colleagues.


How we will know if our strategy is working

We’re keeping it simple. By keeping a close eye on customer and employee satisfaction, we’ll know if we are getting things right.

Customer Satisfaction Employee Satisfaction


Our supporting strategies

Underpinning our Corporate Strategy are our key supporting strategies. They will guide our activity and focus for the next 5 years to make sure that we deliver on our ambitions.   

Customer Strategy Asset Management Strategy People Strategy Development and Regeneration Strategy


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