Coronavirus update for our customers | News

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Coronavirus update for our customers

Coronavirus update image
Incommunities take the safety of our customers and our staff very seriously. We are working hard in these difficult times and some of the key work we are maintaining includes :
  • Contacting all customers who are over 70 or have a known vulnerability to see if they need assistance
  • Attending emergency repairs
  • Continuing with gas servicing to maintain the safety of our customers
  • Letting  our homes where not continuing would cause unnecessary hardship or homelessness
  • Letting our homes and carrying out minor adaptation works  where this helps the NHS free beds in hospital
We are committed to working with our partners and helping  the NHS in these challenging times
For a full  list of all our services we are prioritising, emergency repairs we are undertaking and advice and guidance for anyone  concerned about money issue see our  dedicated Coronavirus page:
If you have any queries or need assistance please contact our Customer Service Team on 01274 254777.

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