Complaints, how we measure up
We want to let you know how we’re performing. We produce lots of reports and documents, but we know that sometimes you just want a simple overview.
We constantly measure our performance against the Housing Ombudsman Service (HOS) Code, and we want to share with you how we’re measuring up for the period, 1st April 2023 - 31st March 2024.
How do we measure up against the HOS compliance standards
The number of complaints that we receive
There has been a big increase in roofing and damp complaints because of the terrible winter weather conditions.
We’ve also simplified our complaints process and made it easy to access, which has also led to more complaints.
The HOS figures for all housing associations across the country show a 91% increase in the number of complaints that are being referred to them.
The lessons learnt and how we’ll act on them
Poor communication continues to be the main reason for complaints, along with the timescales of repairs. We want to change this, but it won’t happen overnight.
Below are some of the steps that we have taken to make improvements and learn from customer’s feedback.
Read the full complaints performance and service improvement report