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Need help getting into work?

Sarfraz on the STEP Programme

Are you 25 or over and out of work?

If so, the Incommunities employability team can help.

They offer six-month paid placements for local job seekers in a range of roles with the housing group and a host of other local employers.

The EU funded STEP programme is part of the Council’s Get Bradford Working campaign to help people into work.

Anyone applying to join the programme must attend an assessment day.

Recruits take part in training modules covering areas such as job search skills, preparing for job interviews and confidence building.

In 2018, the employability team arranged 154 paid work experience placements involving around 60 local employers including Incommunities.

Julie Stanworth, Incommunities’ Employability Manager said: “The STEP programme is a great way of making that right move into work.

"With the support of our dedicated team, hundreds of job seekers from around the district have moved into rewarding careers after building their skills and confidence in high quality paid work placements."

Among those completing the programme and finding work is Sarfraz Gulzar. Salfraz had been actively looking for work for two years when he took part in an assessment day with STEP.

After a successful placement with Incommmunities he joined their employability team as a full time project support officer.

Sarfraz said: "Joining the STEP programme has been life changing. It’s given me a route into work.

"I’m now able to share my story and the challenges I faced getting into work with people coming onto the programme. What’s great is the team are there to mentor and support you on your journey right from joining the programme."

The team also run weekly work clubs in the Bradford, Shipley and Keighley areas where job seekers can get face to face help and guidance about local work and training opportunities.

For more information on work placement opportunities and job clubs contact the employability team on 01274 257788 or email

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