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Panel working for you

Community Trust Panel members

Our tenant focused Community Trust Panel (CTP) is playing a key role scrutinising how our different services are performing.

This includes looking at policies that affect you, our customers and checking that housing services are delivered fairly.

The panel was set up in 2016 and includes five Incommunities tenants and two Sadeh Lok tenants. It has direct links to our boards and senior officers and can ask our customer inspectors to look into any areas they may be concerned about.


Over the last 12 months they have:

• received updates about our fire safety and gas safety work and looked at our communications with customers

• agreed the criteria by which grants from our Local Area Budget are allocated towards tenant-based projects

• put forward amends to housing policies that affect our customers

• been on ‘stock tours’ covering both Braford and Huddersfield to better understand local housing issues.


"Our focus is on ensuring that quality services are deliveredin a value for money way and that concerns raised by customers are dealt with appropriately and effectively. We sit as a critical friend working closely with Incommunities staff and continue to seek out efficiencies as well as help maintain high standards." Andrew Mallinson, Chair of the CTP.


Community Trust Panel meeting


If you are interested in joining the panel or want to know more about its work please contact the Policy and Performance Team on 01274 257905.

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