Royds community champion wins top award | News

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Royds community champion wins top award

Gerry Pickersgill Awards 2018 winner

Kay Wright from Royds Community Association has been named the 2018 (and last) winner of the coveted Gerry Pickersgill Awards.

Kay works tirelessly to help residents in South Bradford and runs New Horizon, a local project which offers a range of services to support isolated and vulnerable older residents live more enjoyable lives.

She was put forward for the award by Janet Pickersgill, the widow of Gerry, a popular housing manager in Keighley who died suddenly in 2000.

Over the last 18 years and in tribute to Gerry, the Gerry Pickersgill Awards have celebrated many unsung volunteers who have proved inspirations in helping residents and communities build better lives.

In previous years the event has been run by the Bradford District Tenant and Residents Federation with the support of Incommunities. However, with Janet Pickersgill’s agreement it’s been decided to make 2018 the awards final year.

Janet said: "I am delighted to see Kay’s fantastic work recognised with the 2018 award.

"I have worked with Kay and seen first hand how she helps others and makes them feel special, from overseeing the local befriending service to running a wellbeing café. Everything she does is for the good of others!

"This year’s award is extra special as it falls on the 18th anniversary of Gerry’s passing. Looking back, I know he would be proud of the many wonderful people and projects that we have been able to celebrate."

"A big thank you to Geraldine and her team and the District Federation who have supported these annual awards."

Geraldine Howley, Incommunities Group Chief Executive said: "Congratulations to Kay on this well deserved award. Her hard work and kindness touches the lives of so many people, some of whom are Incommunities’ customers.

"Kay’s success is a fitting tribute to the ideals of these awards and the commitment Janet has shown every year to support them.

"Going forward we are finalising with Janet how we can mark Gerry’s legacy in another lasting way."

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