Checking our trees to keep you safe

Tree IconOver the next few months, we’re going to be doing a survey of our trees.

Trees can be dangerous if left unchecked. Dead branches, weaknesses, and disease can lead to branches and trees falling, damaging property and injuring people.

Surveys, like the one that we’re doing, allow us to spot any weakness in the trees and we can do things like pruning, cabling, or even removing trees so that we can protect your loved ones and your home.

We own thousands of trees across a big area. As there are so many trees to check, we have formed a partnership with tree specialist Glendale Countryside, who will be doing the survey on our behalf.

Glendale Countryside Tree Inspectors will always carry identification cards and will usually be wearing high-visibility jackets. They will also have a letter from us explaining the work they are doing and providing contact details, in case you want to confirm their identity with us.

The survey will give us all peace of mind and confidence in the safety of the trees in your community.

Click to know more about the tree survey

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