Money Saving Tips
Switch energy supplier
Compare prices from different energy suppliers by going on websites such as uSwitch and money supermarket. If you need advice or help to do this, you can phone Citizens Advice Bureau on 0344 2451282 or you can visit the Home Heat Helpline’s website or call them on 0800 336699 and ask them to find you the best tariff. Energy companies have discounted tariffs which are available to people on certain benefits. They might not tell you about these, so call and ask your supplier.
Saving energy
You can turn your appliances off standby mode, especially televisions, games consoles, kettles, microwaves and computers. Buy a standby Saver to help you do this without touching the socket switch. Remember to switch off lights after leaving a room.
Turning your thermostat down by 1°C (degree centigrade) will cut the cost of your heating bills by up to 10% with a saving of around £75 per year. Spending one minute less in the shower each day can save you around £10 on your energy bill and fitting a water efficient shower head can save you more.
Change to energy saving light bulbs
Low energy light bulbs last up to 10 times longer and can save you around £45 over the lifetime of the bulb.