Customer feedback on rent non-payment weeks

We’re consulting with all our customers whose tenancy agreements currently allow them to pay their rent over 48-weeks.
We’re proposing to change the payment weeks from 48-weeks to 52-weeks for all customers.
The amount of rent you pay each year will be the same, but rather than having a higher rent over 48 weeks, it would be split evenly over 52 weeks, which reduces the weekly rent payments.
We’re asking all affected customers for their thoughts, as we want to know what impact this change would have on their individual situations.
All customers who could be impacted by this change have been sent a consultation letter and questions in an envelope marked with the wording
Consultation about the rent week split
“Let us know your feedback”
They can return the consultation survey to us in the freepost envelope provided.
Or they can complete the survey online.
We’ll also be texting all affected customers, just in case they miss the letter.
Customers have until the 27th December to complete and return the survey to us.
We have prepared some frequently asked questions (FAQs) for our customers.
The FAQs answer things such as:
Q. What is the reason for thinking of making this change?
Benefit payments: Many customers don’t get a real advantage from the non-payment weeks due to the way benefits are paid.
Clarity: Non-payment weeks can be confusing—some customers mistakenly think they’re “free” weeks.
Consistency: We want a simple process where all customers pay over the same number of weeks.
Q. How will this impact on the amount of rent being paid?
Customers that pay their rent over 48-weeks’ pay a higher rent each week to allow for the non-charge weeks.
The table below shows an example of what this could mean for a customer if we changed the number of payments from 48 weeks to 52 weeks from April 2025.
This is just an example, but in this case, the customer could save £10 each week.
Example 48 week rent payment | Example 52 week rent payment | Difference |
£135.00 | £124.87 | £124.87 |
We will write to all customers in the New Year to let them know the outcome of the consultation.