Incommunities inviting views on latest new homes plan | News

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Incommunities inviting views on latest new homes plan

Saltaire new homes artists impression

Local people are being invited to give their views on Incommunities’ plans for a mixed housing development in Saltaire.

The housing group are drawing up proposals to redevelop the site of a former sheltered housing scheme, off Oastler Road into 22 homes.

These include 11 three bed and 5 two bedroom houses and 6 two bedroom flats.


Saltaire new homes site map


The drop-in event takes place on Monday, 30th September (3.45pm - 5.45pm) at Saltaire Methodist Church on Saltaire Road when people will be able to view the plans, speak to Incommunities’ development team and give their feedback.

Rupert Pometsey, Incommunities’ Director of Development and Growth, said: "We are keen to hear the views of local people on our plans to redevelop this cleared site and build a mix of homes. Our aim is to help people onto the property ladder and at the same time meet the need for more family-sized housing.

"People’s feedback will help shape our development plans ahead of our planning application to the Council."

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