New homes plan for Crosley Wood high-rise site | News

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New homes plan for Crosley Wood high-rise site

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Incommunities is drawing up exciting plans to redevelop the site of three high-rise blocks in Bingley into smart new homes.

Following a thorough options appraisal, its Group Board has approved proposals to build 93 homes, off Crosley Wood Road.

The planned mixed tenure development including 50% released for affordable rent, 25% for shared ownership and 25% for market sale would bring a new lease of life to the former flats site.

Last year, Incommunities took the decision to rehouse the remaining residents living at Adelaide, Brunswick and Peel Houses due to the lack of demand for the flats and the outcome of an independent structural survey of the blocks.

In August 2018 one-third of the blocks were empty and, since then, the 129 residents still living there have been successfully re-housed by Incommunities.

With the blocks empty and plans in place to demolish the blocks, Incommunities’ development team are preparing to submit a planning application over the coming weeks which will regenerate the area. The plans include building a mix of two and three bedroom homes which will provide a truly mixed income and sustainable community.

Geraldine Howley, Incommunities Group Chief Executive said: "We fully appreciate this has been a difficult time for the residents of these blocks and I would like to thank them for their understanding and patience throughout the rehousing phase.

"After a thorough options appraisal we are delighted to be taking forward these plans for Crosley Wood.

"As a group we have been steadfast in our commitment to the future regeneration of the area and building homes that help meet the long term needs of our customers and strengthen the communities we serve."

Keith Ramsay, Chair of the housing group’s Development Company Board said "These plans will offer a mix of tenure with the majority of homes released for rent which demonstrates our social purpose.

"They also include opportunities for local people wanting to get on the housing ladder. Offering home ownership will generate much needed income that can go back into building more affordable homes."

Incommunities are expected to start the demolition phase in the next three to six months. Subject to planning approval work on the new development could start early next year.

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