Regulatory Notice: Incommunities | News

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Regulatory Notice: Incommunities

Earlier this year we identified that we had not correctly calculated rent charges for some customers. We have self-reported this to the regulator and took immediate urgent action to rectify the breach.

We will be in contact with all customers who have been affected, letting them know what went wrong on their account and what happens next.  Where rents were paid by Housing Benefit, any overpayment will go to the Housing Benefits department. As these calculations are complex, we are not currently in a position to confirm the amounts and we also need to confirm any Housing Benefit or Universal Credit reimbursement with the relevant Authority.

Once these calculations are complete, we will write to all customers affected, letting them know if any reimbursement is due. We will not be recovering any undercharge.

We always want to do the right thing and are absolutely committed to correcting the situation and putting processes in place to prevent this happening again. We remain committed to delivering the required improvements we have set out in our 2-year plan.

Current customers will be contacted within 3 months.

Former customers will be contacted within 6 months.

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