Residents warned of fire risks at home | News

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Residents warned of fire risks at home

disposable barbecue
Incommunities is backing a new campaign to reduce the risk of fires in people’s homes.
With more warmer weather on the way, the housing group are warning its customers against starting garden fires and having barbeques on balconies of flats.
They are also reminding people not to smoke in bed which was the cause of a recent property fire.
It follows a spate of recent incidents which caused serious fire damage to local homes.
To ensure the safety of everyone, Incommunities are asking people to bag up garden waste and keep it until it can be safety disposed off at local recycling centres or collected by the Council’s garden waste service.
‘Stay Safe, Safe Home’ is an initiative developed by West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service to reduce the risk of fire in people’s homes during "lockdown" and is fully supported by Incommunities.
"Having a barbecue on a balcony poses a risk of fire and potentially puts people’s lives in danger" said Bradford District Commander for West Yorkshire Fire & Rescue Service, Benjy Bush.
"We understand that current measures about staying indoors can be challenging, but please be responsible and Stay Safe, Stay Home."
Geraldine Howley, Group Chief Executive of Incommunities, added: "Whatever accommodation you live in, it’s important everyone takes the right steps to protect themselves, their home and all the people living around them."
Anna Fryer, Incommunities’ Director of Neighbourhoods said: "We recognise that these are tough times right now but we would urge everyone to stay safe and avoid doing anything which could be a danger to life.
"Attending fire incidents puts great pressure on our emergency services at a time when our NHS are working tirelessly to save lives and fight this pandemic."
You can find more fire safety advice including how to protect you and your home on the Incommunities’ website and on the West Yorkshire Fire & Rescue website.
(Image pixaby)

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