West Yorkshire Housing Partnership
We’re proud to be part of the West Yorkshire Housing Partnership. Made up of 10 housing associations with headquarters in the region, we’ve pledged to work with the directly elected mayor, the West Yorkshire Combined Authority and local authorities to achieve five integrated ambitions that support the devolution deal agreed with the Government in March.
By working together the partnership will focus on providing more affordable homes, regenerating local communities, contributing to local economies and COVID recovery, advancing low carbon ambitions, combatting homelessness, supporting good health and connecting people to jobs, skills and opportunity.
Combining our collective efforts, expertise and will with those of the Combined Authority and its partners will enable a breadth, scale and pace of action that has not previously been possible. Doing so will help the Combined Authority to make a difference using the freedoms and resources that devolution provides; efficiently deliver on our shared ambitions and goals as housing providers; and transform the lives of local people in every part of West Yorkshire.
You can find out more about the West Yorkshire Housing Partnership here; WY-Devolution-Prospectus